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Ariadna gil, diego luna, ramon fontsere realisateur. The simplicity of the basic story, which by itself would have only been another article in a journal or newspaper, is turned into a profound analysis of the intricacies of writing and being a writer. In the past, the movies, and most books, took sides. Starring ariadna gil and ramon fontsere, the film was nominated for eight goya awards in 2004, and won the award for best cinematography. The books title is a metaphorical allusion to the famous battle of salamis in which the. Lola amplifica ulteriormente le possibilita espressive del film riguardo. It is rare to read a civil war book which such a lack of prejudice. Ella empezara a investigar y descubrira como fue fusilado rafael sanchez mazas. When the professor and writer lola sanchez is assigned to write a column in the newspaper about the spanish civil war, she researches and finds for the first time about the shooting of rafael sanchez mazas. Ariadna gil, ramon fontsere, joan dalmau, maria botto, diego luna sinopsis. Lola has lost her passion for writing, and she becomes intrigued about rafael, who was a. It is metafictional in so far as the story it tells is purportedly the story of the writing of the book itself.

Por diana ospina obando septiembre 10, 2018 no hay comentarios. With ariadna gil, ramon fontsere, joan dalmau, maria botto. The book was acclaimed by critics in spain and was top of the bestseller book list there for many months. The english translation by anne mclean won the independent foreign fiction prize for 2004.

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